About Us
What or who are "The Friends"?
The Friends "raise funds to help preserve Holy Cross Church for the benefit of future generations and keep it in good repair for all to enjoy its peace and beauty, to worship and receive comfort and inspiration from within its ancient walls".
Through a formal Charitable Trust (The Friends of Holy Cross Church, Sarratt - UK Registered Charity Number 1018991), formed in 1992, the Friends have raised money which has been used by the PCC for the upkeep and repair of the Church and the surrounding Church yard.
The most significant projects that The Friends have helped to fund include:
the complete re-roofing of the church in the year 2000, at a cost of approximately £90,000;
internal redecoration in 2008 costing £57,000
rebuilding of the West Wall and Boundary Walls towards the end of 2009, costing approximately £50,000
the renewal and installation of the church paths at a cost of £20,000
the purchase, in 2018, of an acre of land adjacent to the church , which secures the future expansion of the church yard in years to come. The area has been fenced and in Spring 2019 a new hedge planted.
FOHC have regular events to raise funds. Our flagship event is the annual Flower Festival that sees the Church filled with flowers over the last weekend in June. There are usually two other events each year, these have included bike rides, reeling parties and a Christmas gift fair. All new ideas are welcome that fulfil the dual purpose of raising funds and engendering community spirit.
Becoming a 'True Friend of Holy Cross'
We recognise that everyone who wishes to see Holy Cross Church preserved as a place of peace and beauty for generations to come are friends of Holy Cross, whether they live or worship in Sarratt, have family associations with Holy Cross, or are a welcome visitor from near or far.
But true friendships are based on engagement and mutual understanding.
If you would like to become a “True Friend of Holy Cross” and learn about our fund raising events and projects or help with our work please let us know by sending us your contact details to the following email address.:- david@justwebs.co.uk
The Friends' Logo
The Trust's logo 'the garland of friendship around the Holy Cross cross' symbolises the way in which all friends of this lovely church can help preserve it by supporting 'The Friends'.
The inspiration for the garland within the logo was a Tudor button brooch found in the churchyard by Edward Ryley, a Rector of Sarratt, who was responsible for the major restoration work to the church in 1864-6.
How are we organised?
The Trust, a formal Charitable Trust (The Friends of Holy Cross Church, Sarratt - UK Registered Charity Number 1018991), is governed by a Trust Deed dated 31 December 1992 which provides for a minimum of five Trustees, excluding the Rector and Churchwardens who act as ex officio Trustees.
The elected Trustees must be approved by the PCC and are normally elected for a three year term.
Current Trustees are:
Sue Clark (Chair)
Richard Cawdron (Honorary Treasurer)
Sheila Edmund (Honorary Secretary)
Catharine Elliott
Kate Hobhouse
Chris Adams
Marilyn Butler
Anna Rankin
Melissa Cortizo
Katie Naylor
Revd. Sarah Collins (Rector & President) (Ex Officio)
Linda Clough (Ex Officio)
There are a host of other '`Friends' and well wishers, who support the work of the Trust.
All monies raised by The Friends must be used for 'the preservation, repair, maintenance, restoration, replacement, improvement or ornamentation' of the fabric of the Holy Cross Church building.
The Trustees are subject to the rules of the Trust Deed and the Charity Commission. They must meet at least three times a year, the quorum being five. They must also report regularly to the PCC and present `audited` annual accounts to the Annual Parochial Church Meeting.