Holy Cross Church Sarratt

Welcome to the Friends of Holy Cross website

The Friends raise funds to help preserve Holy Cross Church for the benefit of future generations and keep it in good repair for all to enjoy its peace and beauty, to worship and receive comfort and inspiration from within its ancient walls.
------------------------       See our fund raising events below    ----------------------

Please visit www.holycrossflowerfestival.co.uk  to view the fabulous flower arrangements at this year's Flower Festival

New dates for your diary :-

Saturday 16th November 2024
Disco in the village hall

Thursday 28th November 

Christmas at Micklefield Hall

Friends of Holy Cross Coffee Morning at The Mill House

With great thanks to Angela Coleman who hosted the event at her beautiful home. Angela gave very interesting and informative tours of the house and the grounds edged spectacularly by the river Chess.


The raffle was highly successful and overall, we raised £690 which will go towards funding the cost of the Sarratt Flower Festival which has its “Festival Opening Night” on Friday 28th June with a flower preview 


See the poster below for all the details.

Everyone welcome, plenty of well signposted free parking.


If you wish to be informed of our future events please send an email to  david@justwebs.co.uk to be added to our database.

Registered Charity : 1018991