Holy Cross Church Sarratt

Welcome to the Friends of Holy Cross website

The Friends raise funds to help preserve Holy Cross Church for the benefit of future generations and keep it in good repair for all to enjoy its peace and beauty, to worship and receive comfort and inspiration from within its ancient walls.
-----       See our fund raising events below    -----

 Flower Festival
Friday 27 June, Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 June

 Friday 27 June – Opening Jazz Night

Two great successes - 

70s 80s  90s DISCO

A big thank you to everyone who came along the FOHC 70/80/90s disco. We are pleased to report that Punks, Mods, Hippies and Disco Divas managed to have a fabulous evening together.

Also, our thanks go to stallholders and shoppers who made the Christmas Fair at Micklefield Hall another success. Together these two events raised almost £7,000 which will go towards the new church heating project starting in January.

Established in 1992 and run by a dedicated team of Committee members and lots of volunteers from across the village, the Friends raises funds for the preservation, maintenance and restoration of our beautiful 13th century Parish Church. Projects over the years have included the new roof, rebuilding walls, new paths and internal and external decoration.

Our annual Flower Festival attracts almost a thousand visitors and this year it will take place on 27 – 29 June with an opening Jazz night on Friday 27 June. Please be sure to make a note in your 2025 diary!

Please visit www.holycrossflowerfestival.co.uk  to view the fabulous flower arrangements at last year's Flower Festival which raised over £10,000.


If you wish to be informed of our future events please send an email to  david@justwebs.co.uk to be added to our database.

Registered Charity : 1018991